Trekking, hiking and adventurous backpacking trips in Iran, are what the most of our guests looking for recently. In some of the trekking cases, it doesn’t make a big difference if you’re not a professional mountaineer and explorer, but the correct plan and guide definitely can make a change. Considering safety while adventuring and having fun at the same time, is the reason why Hi Tehran Tours” is peaky about designing tours and choosing its tour guides. Alamut or the valley of Assassins with its mysterious background has been a top choice for Alamut Valley Trekking recently. Breathtaking diverse nature of Qazvin province along with ancient and historical sites have made this destination popular for both culture and history lovers and climbers. That’s why in this tour we have designed three different packages for both of these groups. The Qazvin city itself is one of the most amazing cities when it comes to culture and historical sites; Especially its unique Sa’d al-Saltaneh Caravansary and Bazaar.

Being close to Tehran is also another point that make Qazvin more convenient to go. While being there, trying its traditional dish “Qeyme Nesar” is a must do. Here are the tour details:
Tour Type
Adventure/ History and Culture/ Local experience / Nature and Eco tours
Season Types
All seasons
Start City
Moderate hiking and walking which requires moderate fitness level (In case of any health conditions, inform the guide in advance).
Tour Guide, Drinks, Meals, Transport, Entrance fees for Qazvin, Alamut Castel and Lake
Private pickup car
Private room in hotel for Qzavin – Rural House in Alamut
Comfortable walking/hiking shoes, sun screen and shield for sun – Warm clothes in spring, fall and winter, and other personal belongings.
- English
- Persian
Package 1) Alamut Valley Trekking and Exploring the Canyons
This package is very suitable for those who only seek a trekking plan and want to skip cultural Qazvin tour. Day 1) You will be picked up from Hi Tehran Hostel (or your own accommodation). After arrival to Alamut, we start to explore Alamut villages and having a light trek in the canyons, visiting the Alamut Castle and Ovan lake and continuing trekking west Alamut (in the summer it will be possible to sleep in the mountains with sleeping bags). Day 2) Continue trekking in Alamut and visiting Lambesar Castle and departing to Tehran in the evening.
Package 2) Qazvin – Alamut Exploring
This package is very suitable for those who want to have a light trek and prefer more enjoying the nature and exploring villages in addition to have a cultural Qazvin tour. Day 1) You will be picked up from Hi Tehran Hostel (or our own accommodation). After arrival to Qazvin, first you will visit Caravansary of Sa’d al-Saltaneh from Safavid dynasty and then search the old bazaar of Qazvin, after lunch, you will visit Jameh Mosque of Qazvin, Aminiha Hosseiniyeh, Qajar Hammam and Al-Nabi Mosque. If possible visiting Sardar Bozorg Ancient Water reservoir will be added to the day. Day 2) Early morning departure to explore Alamut villages and having a light trek in the canyons, visiting the Alamut Castle and Ovan lake. Day 3) walking in Alamut and visiting Lambesar Castle and departing to Tehran.
Package 3) Qazvin – Alamut Valley Trekking
This package is very suitable for those who want to have a more serious trek plan in Alamut and having a cultural day in Qazvin as well. So, if you are more athletic or into the physical activities, go with this option. Day 1) You will be picked up from Hi Tehran Hostel. (or your own accommodation). After arrival to Qazvin, first you will visit Caravansary of Sa’d al-Saltaneh from Safavid dynasty and then search the old bazaar of Qazvin, after lunch, you will visit Jameh Mosque of Qazvin, Aminiha Hosseiniyeh, Qajar Hammam and Al-Nabi Mosque. If possible visiting Sardar Bozorg Ancient Water reservoir will be added to the day. Day 2) Early morning departure to pass through west Alamut villages and starting the Alamut trek. For the day (in the summer it will be possible to sleep in the mountains with sleeping bags). Day 3) Having a light trek in the canyons, visiting the Alamut Castle and Ovan lake and departing to Tehran.
Group Size and Fees
The package is designed flexible for the number for different group sizes. You can ask the details of tour fees by emailing us at: or Whatsapp us: +98 912 053 0663
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